Bespoke shop fit out designed and fitted by the cabinet makers at for a beauty shop's exhibition. are very experienced in quickly constructing custom made exhibition stands efficiently, and taking them down following any exhibition. This particular fit out needed a small reception area and two beds. With a small desk in the front area and some cabinets and book shelves for storage.
The entire construction was custom made by the cabinet makers here at Their are two small desks in the front of the exhibition stands for make up and other such appliances. the bespoke seating was also provided for by us. Beside the desks is the reception area, a bespoke desk with a lot of space for holding cash and other such items. The two large beds take up most of the construction, with both bespoke beds being built by's cabinet makers. We are perfectly capable of constructing high quality bespoke massage beds.
Finally we have a sizable storage area with a display case just behind the reception area. The display case itself is also featured on, and was used to show different products that could be purchased during the exhibition. Just behind that is a storage area for the various items the blitz it staff would need throughout the day.
The entire project was designed by the cabinet makers here at when we were given the space available at the exhibition and the things the blitz it team required. The bespoke beds, desks and cabinets were built in our factory in Dublin and the rest of the exhibition stand was fitted on the day by our cabinet makers. We also removed the structure after the exhibition was finished and delivered some of the products - such as the bespoke beds and bespoke cabinets - to the full-time blitz it beauty shop.
If you have any bespoke exhibition needs and want a team that can design, build and fit the entire project for you then please get in touch with the cabinet makers at We can take the hassle out of organising a bunch of different groups, by having all the right people under one roof for one quote.