Notice: New quotes are for May-June 2025 installations as we are currently working on existing projects. Thank you.

Pet Product Show Stands

Bespoke Show Stands made for a Pet Product Company

A well lit show stand that we built for a small company who make products for pets. The stand is large, well lit and custom built to suit the client and the event.

At the end of the day what are show stands? Once off constructions that need to fit into a specific and tight space, built to specifications and branded according to your needs. In other words, they're custom made furniture. We build custom made furniture every day. There's no doubt that show stands are incredibly important at an exhibition event so you're going to need the experts.

Our Cabinet makers have decades of experience in designing, building and fitting custom designs. We've built show stands for dozens of events. From a bespoke design for Supervalu at the Taste of Dublin to coffee and pet stands at shows in the RDS. We understand that every exhibition stand is different. However, here at all of our jobs are different! From cleverly designed show stands to tight fitted kitchens and eccentric cabinetry designs. When you need a bespoke show stand, it makes sense to build it with people who do it every day of the week.

Custom Made Show Stands

This particular stand was built for a pet retail display in the RDS. The client wanted a strong brand presence with a well-lit display. The stand was devised to light up the space; something that is simple, effective and very cheap to implement that can really help you stand out at exhibitions.  Shoppers automatically register the easy to see stands first, by combining this with friendly staff and a clever layout; you can get access to customers even in the middle of a busy event.

One clever design that's featured in this show stand is the floor lighting - it's different enough from the other stands to make shoppers curious, without having overbearingly eccentric displays that are becoming more commonplace. This is increasingly important at exhibitions. Customers are becoming so used to flashy displays that they hardly register anymore. Even though firms think they’ll boost their footfall immensely with expensive and ostentatious displays. If everyone’s display is outside-the-box, going back to the basics works best.

Here at we recommend slight differences to accent your businesses personality. Good lighting, friendly staff and showing exactly what your business does as obviously as you can. All of this is visible in the featured image above. A well-lit stand that's obviously about animals with a selection of products on show, the only thing we can't build for you is the friendly staff!

Here at we have the expertise to help you through the design, construction and fitting of your show stand at an event or exhibition. For a no-nonsense team that have a track record of placing clever designs over expensive displays, give a call now.

Do you want to discuss your project?

Enquire Now (01) 430-1253